Corporate Site
SLI Systems Learning Search Connect’s Faster and Automated Extraction Process Results in Doubling of Adoption Rate by Magento Clients…today announced that the adoption rate of its Learning Search Connect app has doubled since it became available one year ago. Available for download through the Magento Connect App Store, the Learning Search Connect app has been in use at eCommerce…
SLI Systems Partners with Magento, Extends Learning Search Connect…Gold Partner in Magento’s Industry Partner Program, SLI Systems is making available Learning Search Connect as a downloadable app, available through the Magento Connect App Store. SLI Systems also announced that it is a gold sponsor of imagine eCommerce,…
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“Mobile App or Mobile Site? Which is best for you? And How Does Your Choice Affect Site Search?’ve been building site search for a lot of our clients’ mobile sites in the past few months. But a question I often get is: should we go for a Mobile App. or a Mobile Site? So I thought I would write my thoughts on the topic down in a blog post. There are many […]
9 Factors to Consider When Evaluating E-commerce Platforms shopping environment of previous generations has been replaced with robust virtual shopping experiences, one-click ordering, and apps that serve up lightning-fast and highly relevant user experiences. This progression has fueled shifts in buyer behavior and an…
eCommerce Podcasts
Emma Bonar from Karen Millen - Podcast Transcript…iPhone app. Can you share with us how that's going? Emma: [20:49] We've had a lot of downloads ‑ I can't remember the number off the top of my head ‑ particularly from the U.S. I'm really happy about the fact that people are carrying my logo around on their iPhone…
Rob McNair from the Tiso Group - Podcast Transcript…and specs I wanted, and so I went to Amazon, found reviews there, read through reviews there. I actually went to Best Buy, and I downloaded their app for reviews, went through some reviews there. So, ended up coming out with the 13" base level model, and I'm really…
Pat Pepe from West Florida Components - Podcast Transcript…So how does that work? You have a fan page or something and people buy them through there? Pat: [8:07] That's correct. What is does is, it is an app that I found pretty recently, it's called shop tab, and you install it on your fan page. You import through a…