Chris Brennan
Corporate Site
Board of Directors…New Zealand. Chris Brennan Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director Chris leads SLI with the vision and experience to inspire management teams, achieve market leadership, scale global growth and deliver outstanding financial performance. Prior to…
Coverage…2015, MultiChannel Merchant Star Wars is Dominating Ecommerce Site Search This Halloween October 19, 2015, Silicon Valley Business Journal Chris Brennan Recognition Plaque October 15, 2015, Balance Internet Top 5 Most Popular Halloween Costumes – SLI Guest…
E-commerce Performance Indicators & Confidence (EPIC) Report Finds 91% of Retailers Expect Online Revenue Growth this Year with Increased Focus on Personalization, Mobile and Customer Experience…Experience (16%), and Inventory, Logistics and Fulfillment (15%). “This report echoes many of the themes we’re seeing in our customer base,” said Chris Brennan, CEO, SLI Systems. “Online revenues are increasing, but it takes a focus on the shopper’s…