Corporate Site
SLI Systems Brings Mobile Site Search to Growing Number of Online Retailers; Enriches Mobile Offering with Enhanced Usability…design and usability features such as mobile Auto Complete, QR code integration, mobile banners, analytics tracking and multivariate testing Forrester Research predicts that mobile retail and travel spending will double in 2012 over 2011 and projects the market…
SLI Systems Meets IPO Forecasts; Cash Reserves Strong Systems Meets IPO Forecasts; Cash Reserves Strong Results for the year to 30 June 2014 demonstrate growing international recognition of SLI’s capabilities to accelerate e-commerce retailers’ sales Highlights: SLI Annualised Recurring Revenue (ARR)1 growth at 29.4%; faster…
Interview with Brian Walker from Forrester Research’ve just posted the next episode of the ecommerce podcast: an interview with Brian walker from Forrester Research. Brian describes the services that Forrester supplies to the online retailers and some of the trends that he is seeing. Online retail is still…
Sign up for Our Webinar with Brian Walker of Forrester Wed., July 28 we’re hosting a free webinar featuring Forrester Research Principal Analyst Brian Walker. The webinar, “Unlock Powerful Customer Information to Generate Higher Conversions with Site Search,” will cover a variety of topics, among them – how site…
E-Commerce Sales Growing, but We Can Do Better Than 9% year, online sales take a bigger slice of the ‘total retail sales’ pie. This year, analyst firm Forrester expects e-commerce sales in the United States to reach $294 billion, a small 9% slice of all sales in the country. That means that 91% of retail sales still occur…
eCommerce Podcasts
Brian Walker from Forrester Ryan, CEO of SLI Systems talks to Brian Walker from Forrester ( Shaun and Brian discuss the trends that Ecommerce retailers are set to experience over the coming 12 months and how the shifts in the economy will impact online retailers.…
Jack Love from Internet Retailer - Podcast Transcript…fourth quarter were down 8.5 percent. [14:36] E-retailers grew in the fourth quarters and e-retailers grew about 17 percent all of last year and Forrester expects them to grow 11 percent this year, which is remarkable because there is very little in the economy…
Brian Walker from Forrester - Podcast Transcript…off you and include it in the show notes. Brian: [23:16] OK terrific. Shaun: [23:17] OK thank you very much Brian. Brian: [23:19] My pleasure. Shaun: [23:19] That was Brian Walker, senior analyst at Forrester Research. I'm Shaun Ryan from SLI Systems. Tune in next…