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Interview with Ben Harness from Interflora UK


  We have just released this interview with Ben Harness from Interflora UK. Interflora is a little different than a lot of the retailers that I have talked to. Rather than having one or two distribution centres they have 1800 florists who put together the bouquets.…

eCommerce Podcasts

Ben Harness from Interflora UK


Shaun Ryan, CEO of SLI Systems talks to Ben Harness from Interflora (http://www.interflora.co.uk/). Transcript: Ben Harness from Interflora UK Length 21 mins and 16 secs.

Ben Harness from Interflora UK - Podcast Transcript


…Tell me about Interflora. I think it's a well-known brand, everyone knows you sell for less. Tell me a little bit about the company. Ben: [3:23] Yeah, obviously we sell flowers. It's a strange set of influences. It's a very strong brand but ourselves, we're very…

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