Is your E-commerce website maximizing shopper conversion, average order value, and customer retention?

Performance, Aesthetics, Relevance Checklist

The P.A.R. Checklist gives you 14 best practices to analyze the key areas that matter most to your customers. Each element also provides simple suggestions to improve.

These best practices are proven to accelerate the path to purchase and increase online sales in three major areas of your site:

  • PERFORMANCE – You need to be fast. Even a slight delay may result in a lost customer. Forever.
  • AESTHETICS – Your key pages need to be beautiful and focused on selling.
  • RELEVANCE – Your customer experience needs to be tuned to answer one question: “What is my visitor most likely to buy now?”



Get the SLI Performance, Asthetics, & Relevance checklist and see how your E-commerce website measures up.

SLI Client Testimonials

These successful E-commerce companies are already using SLI Systems AI based product discovery solutions to optimize revenue, transaction volume, and customer retention.
“We knew better product discovery would have a positive impact on our business. SLI Systems has made a huge difference in helping our customers find what they are looking for and boosting our revenue.” “The search relevance, analytics and merchandising controls are what sets SLI apart. I knew I could get SLI up and running quickly and deliver benefits right away. Even if I don’t touch it often, the solution is consistent and performs well all the time.”
“When site search works well, people who use it buy more, they stay on our sites longer, and they convert at a higher rate. Site search is as important to us as layout and design and shopping carts when it comes to crafting the online experience."“At Zachys, we have seen great results from implementing SLI, including growth both in conversions and average order value.”